Wednesday, January 21, 2015


January 22nd is the 100th day of school!
We are starting a new science unit and will be learning all about the human body! Students will create life size illustrations of bones and different organs. This will be our study for the next 3 weeks. We will first learn about the skeletal system and then move onto the major organs.
From here on students will have a spelling words each week and a spelling test every Friday. Students all have differentiated lists to focus on words they use most often in their writing or will use the grade level list. Please review these words with your child each night during the week so they are prepared to take the test on Friday. If students mis-spell words, you will see them again on their future spelling tests. A list of activities for spelling has been sent home. If you need the list again, please let me know and I'll send home the activity list. If any of the activities are completed, please send them in for me to check.
We will continue reviewing multiplication and starting division! A step by step parent guide will be sent home to explain how we will teach division with touch points and tallies.