Saturday, December 20, 2014


Happy Holidays!

Speech and OT lesson.
 We made snowflake ornaments in the science lab.
 We learned how to play rock-paper-scissors!
 We made globes and labeled continence and Christopher Columbus' voyage.
 Classroom map. Our next social studies focus is map skills!
 We finished our narratives. 
Students did a great job and wrote very creative stories!
Speech/OT lesson - we made hot chocolate and elves!
Holiday Party!

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Our class Holiday party is on Thursday the 18th at 1:00.
On Friday the 19th we will have Polar Express day! Students are allowed to wear pajamas that day.


We will focus on subtraction for the next week. Some students are doing well with subtraction and have a good amount of background knowledge on how to subtract. If you child can subtract on their own then they will not be expected to use tallies. If your child does not know how to subtract please encourage them to use the strategy that I am teaching in class. I am teaching them to use tallies and counting up from the subtrahend (bottom number) to the minuend (top number). Please let me know if you have any questions. Students will still get multiplication homework as a review. Starting in January we will continue with multiplication x4-x9. Students did great with learning their multiples of 3 using our song. Below are the next couple of songs that students will learn to sing to learn their multiples. Once students learn the songs, encourage your child to practice saying and singing the multiplication songs at home.

x3 – Row, Row, Row Your Boat
x4 – Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
x6 - Wheels on the Bus
x7 - Happy Birthday to You

Social Studies/Science:
We are wrapping up our lessons with Christopher Columbus and map skills. Students will be soon bringing home all of their Columbus work including their globes which identifies Columbus’ voyage.

It’s been a process to work on narrative writing but students are getting much better with coming up with ideas for a story! I’ve very proud of the progress that I’ve seen. We have been working on identifying problems and solutions and naming possible problems and solutions from a picture. This is something that you can do with your child at home. Show them a picture and ask them what a possible problem and a possible solution is to what is happening in the picture. This is an abstract activity that well help students explain and reason. Doing this in class has helped students come up with their own story based on a given picture. These are the aspects that we are working to including in our narratives: actions, sounds, dialog, characters, setting, problem/solution, feelings/emotions and the moral of the story.

Over the break I will be sending home a Holiday Break Journal. I hope students are able to write at least 5-6 journal entries over the break and will be able to share it when we get back after 2 weeks off!